Henry Ford began production of his revolutionary Model T back in 1909.

For $850, it was initially a luxury and a novelty; a status symbol for the rich, or a toy for the first motor heads.

General Motors upped the ante. While Ford kept the production costs and the price down by producing basically the same car every year (“Any color as long as it’s black.”), GM updated their cars annually in flashy new colors, the latest in design flare and fancy options. Through aggressive advertising, GM’s Alfred P. Sloan

Autos sales soared through the 1920s, feeding a booming economy.
The support industries of steel, rubber and glass thrived, as did thousands of businesses capitalizing on the new found mobility provided by cars. Movie theatres, grocery stores and baseball games attracted thousands of auto touring families and individuals in search of new destinations and diversions with their cars. Highway construction began, gas stations were built, and life was good. Then in 1929, Black Thursday and Black Tuesday hit, and the greatest stock market crash in history was a reality. Ten years of the Great Depression followed. Jobs were lost, monthly installment payments were missed, cars were repossessed, and the idea of a new car every year was history.
Flash forward to today where buying a car on credit is a given. With new car prices regularly over $20,000, paying cash for a car is rare. Credit is an industry unto itself. Companies developed another alternative by creating lease programs where the buyer only pays for a car during a finite period of time, and then returns it to the dealer. Similar to Sloan’s plan, leasing allows a purchaser to buy a car without really owning it. In good times, credit or leasing programs can provide a buyer a new car every three or four years, and possibly a better car than they could normally afford. There is also big money to be made for the loan companies that provide the financing. But obviously, the success of either program is reliant on the buyers paying their debt.
As with the 1930s, our recent auto crisis brought all of the fun to an end, again. Before this downturn, auto manufacturers could not make enough cars. Vehicles were sold, even more were made.

Reflecting back to a simpler time, the days of Henry Ford providing basic, reliable transportation for $290 CASH made perfect sense. Alfred P. Sloan contributed to the Crash of 1929 with GM’s installment plan, and the planned obsolescence of their flashy new models. Could Sloan be responsible for the ills that the auto industry is only now recovering from, yet again? It’s hard to believe that lessons can’t be learned.
MaineAutoMall.com Auto Blog

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Yeah. I guess what this tells us is to not ignore car innovations and new technologies, much less take them for granted. Car manufacturing has improved by leaps and bounds since the assembly lines of Henry Ford. So, we've pretty much got our choices laid out in front of us. We simply take what we want and keep what we get.
Rigoberto @ Brandon Dodge On Broadway
Nice Info! Auto industry is the hot bed of development accompanied by the arrival of spic-and-span car redefining the rich and luxury in recent times. To top it off, an old car market has witnessed a growth because of the overflow of the old cars on the road causing lots of traffic problems.
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The innovations in vehicles nowadays is necessary. Cars and vehicles just a few agos, look like something out the stone age compared to modern automobiles.
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